Maciej Janik


Past Events

Date Event Name Hero Format Placing Decklist
14 May 2023 Road to Nationals : Strefa MTG, Warsaw Oldhim, Grandfather of Eternity Classic Constructed 1 Link
20 Jan 2023 ProQuest: Strefa MTG, Warsaw Oldhim, Grandfather of Eternity Classic Constructed 5 Link
14 Jan 2023 Battle Hardened: Battle Hardened Leeds 2023 Oldhim, Grandfather of Eternity Classic Constructed 5 Link
24 Sep 2022 Nationals: Poland Oldhim, Grandfather of Eternity Classic Constructed 3 Link
15 May 2022 ProTour: New Jersey Bravo, Star of the Show Classic Constructed 5 Link
05 Mar 2022 ProQuest: Centrum Gier Inny Wymiar Bravo, Star of the Show Classic Constructed 5 Link
05 Mar 2022 ProQuest: Strefa MTG, Warsaw, Poland Bravo, Star of the Show Classic Constructed 1 Link
19 Feb 2022 ProQuest: SideQuest, Poland Bravo, Star of the Show Classic Constructed 5 Link