ProQuest: Lantern Games LLC, MI, USA

Event Name: ProQuest: Lantern Games LLC, MI, USA

Date: 21 Jan 2023

Country: US

Tournament: ProQuest

Format: Classic Constructed

Placing Player Hero Decklist
1 Cooper Templeton Oldhim, Grandfather of Eternity Link
2 Brandon Wilkins Dash, Inventor Extraordinaire Link
3 - 4 Josh Martin Oldhim, Grandfather of Eternity Link
3 - 4 CJ Johnson Iyslander, Stormbind Link
5 - 8 Matthew Phillips Dorinthea Ironsong Link
5 - 8 Dylan Case Dorinthea Ironsong Link
5 - 8 Brady Loop Fai, Rising Rebellion Link
5 - 8 Dillon Sloat Dromai, Ash Artist Link