Nationals: Vietnam

Event Name: Nationals: Vietnam

Date: 11 Sep 2022

Country: VN

Tournament: Nationals

Format: Blitz

Placing Player Hero Decklist
1 Quang Duong Dorinthea Ironsong Link
2 Duc Dao Oldhim, Grandfather of Eternity Link
3 - 4 Viet Dung Le Dorinthea Ironsong Link
3 - 4 Doanh Cao Xuan Chane, Bound by Shadow Link
5 - 8 Ronald Edward Venter Dash, Inventor Extraordinaire Link
5 - 8 Hoang Vu Briar, Warden of Thorns Link
5 - 8 Duy Ta Bravo, Showstopper Link
5 - 8 Minh Pham Iyslander, Stormbind Link