Michael Walker – ProQuest: Red Dragon, ON

Player: Michael Walker

Event: ProQuest: Red Dragon, ON

Hero: Dash, Inventor Extraordinaire

Placing: 3 - 4th

Date: 27 Feb 2022

Tournament: ProQuest

Format: Classic Constructed

Equipment (6)

Count Card
1 Achilles Accelerator
1 Arcanite Skullcap
1 Ironhide Gauntlet
1 Nullrune Gloves
1 Teklo Foundry Heart
1 Teklo Plasma Pistol

Red (26)

Count Card
3 Command and Conquer
3 Enlightened Strike
3 Fate Foreseen
2 Induction Chamber
3 Maximum Velocity
3 Plasma Purifier
3 Sigil of Solace
3 Sink Below
3 Unmovable

Yellow (15)

Count Card
3 Dissolution Sphere
3 Raging Onslaught
3 Spark of Genius
3 Springboard Somersault
3 Unmovable

Blue (33)

Count Card
3 Locked and Loaded
3 Meganetic Shockwave
3 Pour the Mold
3 Signal Jammer
3 T-Bone
3 Teklovossen's Workshop
3 This Round's on Me
3 Throttle
3 Unmovable
3 Zero to Sixty
3 Zipper Hit

Card Type

Count Card Type
62 Action
18 Defense Reaction
8 Equipment
6 Instant
3 Action - Attack
1 Weapon

Card Sub Type

Count Card Sub Type
39 Attack
11 Item
3 Arms
2 Chest
2 Head
1 Pistol (2H)
1 Legs


Count Class
51 Mechanologist
47 Generic


Count Power
12 6
9 4
6 10
4 2
3 5
3 3
3 1


Count Defense
54 3
6 4
5 2
4 0
3 7
3 5
3 6
2 1


Count Cost
33 0
32 2
15 3
6 1
3 XX

Card Type

Card Sub Type
