Kaiser Wong – ProQuest: Weatherlight, Hong Kong

Player: Kaiser Wong

Event: ProQuest: Weatherlight, Hong Kong

Hero: Chane, Bound by Shadow

Placing: 1st

Date: 28 May 2022

Tournament: ProQuest

Format: Classic Constructed

Equipment (6)

Count Card
1 Aether Ironweave
1 Arcanite Skullcap
1 Carrion Husk
1 Grasp of the Arknight
1 Rosetta Thorn
1 Spellbound Creepers

Red (36)

Count Card
3 Belittle
3 Bounding Demigon
3 Command and Conquer
3 Ghostly Visit
3 Howl from Beyond
3 Minnowism
3 Nimblism
2 Revel in Runeblood
3 Rift Bind
3 Shadow Puppetry
1 Soul Reaping
3 Swarming Gloomveil
3 Unhallowed Rites

Yellow (12)

Count Card
3 Art of War
3 Belittle
3 Bounding Demigon
3 Captain's Call

Blue (25)

Count Card
3 Bounding Demigon
3 Captain's Call
1 Eclipse
3 Invert Existence
3 Mauvrion Skies
2 Minnowism
1 Seeping Shadows
3 Shadow of Ursur
3 Timesnap Potion
3 Vexing Malice

No Pitch (1)

Count Card
1 Gorganian Tome

Card Type

Count Card Type
73 Action
7 Instant
6 Equipment
1 Weapon

Card Sub Type

Count Card Sub Type
40 Attack
6 Item
2 Head
2 Chest
1 Legs
1 Sword (2H)
1 Arms


Count Class
38 Generic
22 Shadow Runeblade
15 Runeblade
12 Shadow


Count Power
12 3
10 2
7 6
6 1
6 4


Count Defense
34 3
33 2
4 1
1 6


Count Cost
45 0
24 1
9 2
1 3
1 6

Card Type

Card Sub Type
