Paul Le Gouez – Nationals : France 2023

Player: Paul Le Gouez

Event: Nationals : France 2023

Hero: Uzuri, Switchblade

Placing: 5 - 8th

Date: 26 Aug 2023

Tournament: Nationals

Format: Classic Constructed

Equipment (9)

Count Card
1 Arcane Lantern
1 Blacktek Whisperers
1 Flick Knives
1 Fyendal's Spring Tunic
1 Mask of Perdition
1 Nerve Scalpel
1 Nullrune Gloves
1 Orbitoclast
1 Spider's Bite

Red (46)

Count Card
3 Annihilate the Armed
3 Command and Conquer
3 Death Touch
2 Down and Dirty
3 Enlightened Strike
3 Fate Foreseen
3 Frailty Trap
3 Give and Take
3 Hurl
3 Leave No Witnesses
3 Looking for a Scrap
3 Nourishing Emptiness
2 Oasis Respite
3 Plunder the Poor
3 Shake Down
3 Sink Below

Yellow (11)

Count Card
1 Codex of Bloodrot
3 Codex of Frailty
3 Isolate
1 Remembrance
3 Shred

Blue (14)

Count Card
3 Back Stab
3 Isolate
2 Sedate
3 Surgical Extraction
3 Wither

Card Type

Count Card Type
59 Action
9 Defense Reaction
8 Equipment
7 Weapon
3 Instant
3 Attack Reaction

Card Sub Type

Count Card Sub Type
55 Attack
7 Dagger (1H)
3 Chest
3 Trap
2 Arms
1 Legs
1 Head
1 Off-Hand


Count Class
41 Assassin
34 Generic
10 Assassin / Ranger
4 Assassin / Ninja


Count Power
18 1
17 6
12 4
6 5
6 3
3 2


Count Defense
50 3
15 2
6 4
6 1
1 0


Count Cost
43 0
17 2
14 1

Card Type

Card Sub Type
